Kindle – eBook Publishing Made Easy for Writers of All Genres
It is very easy to have your books published on Kindle if you know how to go about it. Today eBook publishing is becoming more and more popular with readers because of the sheer convenience it offers. Authors and writers can now aspire to publish their stories and the do-it-yourself guides on Kindle without having to pay any charges. What’s more is all this can be done within a matter of hours, unlike regular book publishing that can take months on end.
The very first step you need to take is to sign up with Amazon and open your account, because Kindle can be accessed only through your Amazon account. Once you’ve done that you can log into your Kindle direct publishing account, which can be accessed from the homepage of Amazon. As soon as you log in you’ll notice an alert on the right top corner of your screen. All you need to do is hit on the alert button in order to publish on Kindle.
While you are at it, you may add your profile, as well as that of your company along with the tax and payment information so that receiving payments from Amazon becomes easy. You see, eBook publishing is that simple. However, you’ll need to check the various formats that you can use while publishing on Kindle, which includes zipped HTML, also referred to as .zip, Word (the easiest and most popular) Adobe PDF, also known as .pdf, ePub known as .epub and MobiPocket. Although Word 2007 cannot be used as it is not supported, it is easy to convert the files to any version of your choice.
The most popular choice for eBook publishing on Kindle is the HTML format, though you need to be able to understand all the HTML tags that go with this sort of formatting. If you wish to add any images along with the content, you’ll need to zip the file accordingly. Creating your own eBook is a very easy task if you use the MobiPocket eBook publishing program that is compatible with most of the other formats mentioned earlier. All these will be converted to a .prc file before they can be uploaded onto Kindle Directory on Amazon.
In order to be very professional while publishing, you’ll need to first review and check how your work will appear before you can publish. To do this you can use the Kindle Reader which gives you a ringside view of your Kindle eBook, which will give you a fair idea how your book will be viewed by potential readers. You can easily check issues if any, and also make sure that the formatting is correct. This gives you a chance to make any final changes before you can upload the content to the Kindle Directory and go live.
Make sure that you price your eBook accordingly, if need be you can take the advice of any leading eBook publishing expert like Infognana, who will be able to guide you all the way through with your book publishing endeavor.