SharePoint Migration

What Steps Should You Take For Efficient SharePoint Migration?

Since its launch in 2001, SharePoint has made an incredible growth. It has continued to be the best tool to manage documents for more than 75,000 organizations with 160 million users. The new version 2016 of SharePoint has been added with new features to improve its speed and performance comprehensively. It has witnessed a huge spike in SharePoint migration.

However, an incompetent method of migration can affect its performance negatively. It can make this platform difficult for the users as well. Hence, you must find the best managed services provider for streamlining this process for your organization.

Here are discussed the best practices of SharePoint Migration. You must analyze them carefully before you proceed to migrate.

Review Your Content:

SharePoint content audit system is designed in such a manner that it can leave content in the old system. Outdated and redundant content from the old system will not migrate to the new version. Though it is understandable yet a lot of companies overlook this aspect that reduces the scope of migration. For an efficient migration of content to this new version, you should carry a lesser load from the older system.

Think About the Coveted 80:20 Rule:

Mainly, this rule states that 80% employees can use only 20% data or content available on the internet. Hence, it is better to identify the 20% of core content which is mostly used by your employees. Migration of that content is utmost important. Hence, it should be transferred as a priority. Rest of the content should be scrutinized one by one. The unwanted content can be left behind for an efficient migration to the new IT managed services.

Methods of Migration Strategy:

Mainly three methods of migration are available with SharePoint 2016, viz. Automated, Manual and a Mixture of Both.

An automated migration strategy is the best if you assess human efforts. But, additional technicalities may arise on a case to case basis. They must be determined beforehand. Hence, this strategy is not feasible for every content migration.

Manual migration strategy can be painful. Continuous cutting and pasting of content can become a monotonous process.

A Partial automated system is the best to follow for migration to SharePoint 2016. Content available in quality structure will migrate automatically while other versions can be switched manually.

Ensure Hardware Requirements:

It is important that your system meets the hardware requirements listed on Microsoft TechNet. If you are new to SharePoint 2016, it is advisable to update your hardware according to the requirements.

Migration from SharePoint 2013 to 2016:

Migration from SharePoint 2013 to 2016 version is quite easy to manage. You can use ‘in place upgrade’ and use ‘data attach’ method to upgrade from SharePoint 2013 to 2016. Explaining in easy words, you have to create SharePoint Server 2016 farm and configure it. Now, you should copy the service application data sets and content from SharePoint 2013 farm and then, attach it to upgrade the databases.

Consider Security:

It is important to respect the security of an old system while you are performing migration to SharePoint 2016. You should be more careful while upgrading manually and ensure that upgrading security adheres to the old security policies. You should remain more watchful while moving your content to cloud and manage it on what is appropriate and what isn’t.

Post Migration Job:

There is enough work still remaining even after the migration to SharePoint 2016. Your real work is to clean the page layouts, check links, evaluate security, and scrutinize all permissions. These tasks may define the difference between a good and poor migration.

If you are looking for the professional IT managed services, you must consider Infognana. We possess the best resources and team for managing your SharePoint migration process.