Tips To Make Your Digital Magazine Launch A Huge Hit
If you are contemplating to launching a new digital magazine, you must start it on a promotional note. The pre-launch jitters are normal but you can do away with them if you know how to sell this publication to the advertisers of your niche.
However, many publishers are averse to the idea of communicating with the advertisers and this hinders the success of their e-publishing endeavor.
Why Should You Publicize Your Launch Long Time Before?
The publishers remain reluctant to talk about their launch till the last-minute. They try to sell advertisements right before the release date. This practice may cost them dearly because the advertisers can’t study your core market and target audience in a tight schedule of 2-3 months.
Secondly, as a publisher, you are the only person who has the best insight of your niche. Also, your experience in the industry contributes to building your relations and connections within this domain. But the problem is that publishers have fear about their ideas being stolen by the competitors. This prevents them from announcing the launch at a reasonable time. However, this apprehension is totally unwarranted because no one can steal your ideas and hard work that easily.
How to Sell Advertising, Then?
Start talking about your launch idea within your circuits. Never reveal too much but let the people know that you have an idea to sell. The big advertisers may take a keen interest in your idea if it lures them. In this way, you get them in your kitty without any formal engagement. Use your contacts in the niche to the fullest. Here are some tips that may certainly help to attain your goals of pre-launch advertising sales.
Begin with Networking:
The networking is the most effective way to engage the best advertisements for your launch. You must find the main advertisers of your niche and network with them on a frequent basis. If you can succeed in signing them on, consider your job as half done.
Move to Prototyping:
Remember that you should never leave anything with the advertisers unless they sign on to buy your launch idea. Hence, you must have a prototype of your digital magazine ready to show the advertisers. But, this prototype must be attractive and engaging for them.
Plan a Flexible Payment Structure:
An advertiser may not show interest in your launch unless you offer them a lucrative pricing structure. It should be layered and simplified. Divide the payment structure into 2-3 installments to facilitate the advertiser. Also, you must have the contract pro forma ready with all these details.
Never Undervalue Your Idea:
While looking for advertisers for your e-publishing idea, you must take every step cautiously. Never jump into the race of offering heavy outright discounts. This approach may affect the value of your idea and you may never get the desired rates for advertising as anticipated by you.
When launching your e-magazine, you must try these pre-selling tips and techniques for ensuring a lasting success with your efforts. At Infognana, we offer our expertise in digital publishing and conversion of books into digital format to ensure the success of your new magazine launch.