Why You Need An Author Assistant To Sell Your Books Fast?
Writing and marketing a book entail a lot of hard work and diligence. From e publishing to selling, every task involves multiple strategies to be planned. As a writer, all this can exhaust you completely. Mostly, authors prefer doing all this stuff on their own due to heavy costs of hiring an assistant. However, there are many responsibilities that can be effectively shouldered by this assistant.
Here, we are referring to a virtual assistant who can save you from a traumatizing sleep deficiency caused in the pre-launch phase of e publishing.
Why You Need Virtual Assistant Services for your e publishing needs?
Being an author, it is always better to devote your maximum time for writing excellent books for your readers. You can’t afford to indulge in cumbersome marketing and management tasks. Your ROI will increase with better efficiency of writing. Here are the reasons that will justify this statement:
Boost in Your Creative Energies:
When you will get more time to write, the creative juices will flow automatically in your mind for creation of some excellent copies. This assistant will help you through the entire process of e-publishing. It will reduce your stress. You will handle the tasks as per your liking and eliminate those that hamper your creativity. You can simply harness these energies with your writing abilities for writing the best sellers of the industry.
More Personal Space:
When you hire an advanced virtual assistant company, you get more family time to fulfill your personal engagements. It will also cover for the time spent on your holidays, sickness, or any other personal event.
Better Professional Networking:
You can also leverage your time for managing the professional relations and network with the industry experts. This will give better exposure to your book even in the pre-launch phase. Hence, you can engage in promotional events and explore better opportunities. This streamlined time management will give you a competitive edge. It will make your publishing successful.
Costs Benefits:
Apart from all these, there are benefits like identification of potential risks, gains, and their comparison with the anticipated profits. This will offer better insights of your project and its feasibility.
What Services Can You Expect From This Virtual Assistant?
Most of our professional connections are managed virtually. It is a global phenomenon and you aren’t aloof. In such scenario, it just doesn’t matter where your author assistant really lives. In fact, one works as a trusted partner for your writing business. You can expect the following services when hiring a Virtual author assistant:
- Schedule your appointments and make calls to your associates on your behalf.
- Manage your email account
- Arrange for your travel bookings for promotional activities
- Submissions to contests and managing author swag
- Managing the social media profiles and posts.
- Website content management and keyword research
- E-book distribution and ad campaign management.
- Copy editing, formatting, proofreading and uploading of the e-book.
- Blog and podcasts management.
- Creation of invoices and preparing expenses reports.
However, choosing the best assistant for your writing process is easier said than done. It requires a meticulous approach including referral and recommendations apart from understanding your requirements and budget.
Infognana has extensive experience in this field. Hence, our virtual author assistant services are efficient and reliable and can smoothen your e publishing process.