ecommerce service

5 smart ways to increase ecommerce profits exponentially

Diverting traffic to your website is only half the story; once you have captured the attention of the user, how you help them locate the products on your web page is vital for conversion. Earlier, it was sufficient just to have an online store for business. Today, the scenario is different, and here are 5 smart ways to boost sales and profits.

  1. Pay importance to your landing page

It is important that ecommerce service providers remember to divert the users to their landing pages, which serve as the window to the products. Diverting customers to the homepage does not have that much effect, what you need to do is divert paid traffic to specific pages that showcase products that interest the users. Hence, it is very important that you optimize your landing page.

  1. SEO and apt product descriptions

The product descriptions need to be crisp and catchy, and should always sound original and engage the users instantly. It is the text description that enables the search engines to index most used keywords, which leads to faster viewing of your products. Moreover, when you create unique and original descriptions, search engines will not ignore or trash them as spam.

  1. Easy to access search function

Attracting users to a website is only helping you go halfway through. As any ecommerce service provider can explain to you, it is important that you help the users find the products they are looking for on your web pages. In order to achieve this it is vital to have a user-friendly search function in place. Pay importance to the design and color scheme which play an important part in drawing customers to your site.

  1. Adequate Speed

Remember that you have just a few seconds within which your customer decides whether to stay or abandon the search. The most annoying thing is a website that does not have adequate speed, which can only irritate the customer and drive him or her elsewhere. The page loading has to be really fast, which is vital for conversions.

  1. Checkout time

Many a time valuable business is lost at the last stage simply because it took too long during checkout. Moreover, the checkout process itself needs to be short with economic shipping options that can include cash on delivery (COD) which most customers prefer, irrespective of the price they pay. Being upfront about the shipping costs, even when they are high, goes a long way in retaining customers.

In short, adopting the above mentioned points can help most online stores increase their profits exponentially. To know more about the various ecommerce solutions available today, look up Infognana, the professional solutions providers.